Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Little Art

I found a couple of great on-line classes and I've been hard at work...okay, just a little work and a lot of play. The first class is one offered by Strathmore and is called Doodles Unleashed. Here is the link if you want to check it out.  Great fun and something I needed to do for myself. This one is free and is taught by Traci Bautista.

I usually am not free in my painting or drawing and really needed to loosen up and this is the perfect class to let go of all those old perceptions about art and just be free.

My next adventure just started this week when I found a class called Full Tilt Boogie. It is a journaling and book binding class..... simply awesome. I am in love with making art books. I don't have all the supplies I need to do it correctly such as old books but I'm making my own covers and using cotton cord that I already have as well as some rinky dink hole punch instead of an awl. I am considering these practice books but I will use them. Mary Ann Moss is the instructor for this on-line workshop and she is great. This one does cost a little bit but well worth it. Here is the link if you want to see some of her amazing examples and check out more about the class.

It's not a big book as it only has 5 signatures and I'm not sure I like two ties but since this was my first one I really just wanted to play with the technique of making a books. As you can see I have added some of my doodle art in the book. I thought this was a great place for them. The binding is exposed and obviously not the best since I don't have the right punch tool, but I'll get better.

I'll be sharing some of my art/doodles/collage from Napa, CA soon. Think wine country and rolling hills maybe even a few wine labels thrown in for good measure.

Cheers, Dana


  1. Wow! Dana I love these practice books that you've made. I too joined Full Tilt ... class this year but unfortunately haven't started creating yet.
    I just scrolled down and saw some of your awesome paintings too. Even I'm a novice in watercolor. Took Alisa Burke's Watercolor Bliss class and enjoyed it soo much.
    Love the art you've done as part of the Strathmore class, esp the orange page is so stunning.
    Have a grt week.

  2. Hi Dana ~
    Your art & jewelry are beautiful!! I saw that we are Button Swap partners, too - looking forward to it!
    Let me know if you have a preference in buttons or are do you want a mix - my email is:
    ~ Christine :)
