Monday, February 13, 2012

A Peak at some Drawings

If you wandered over here from my "Dana's Jewelry Design" blog, welcome. I'll try to keep these two different and will most likely post on different days so I can keep it all straight. "grin"

These are some of my latest drawings. I did this with waterproof ink on watercolor paper with the intention of painting them later. The purpose was to create some drawings of flowers that I could reproduce via a copier or laser printer onto watercolor paper for a journal pages swap with the theme of flowers. I'm happy with most of the drawings but love the sunflowers the best. I'll take more pictures as they progress from this to paintings and then to a journal page.

If you are interested in art there are a variety of ways to get started. I joined a few Yahoo groups including Mixed Media Art Friends, Art-e-zine Cafe, Artist Trading Cards, and several others. These are a great way to learn more about what type of art you want to create. I also subscribe to several on-line newsletters and took a class on sketching from Alisa Burke (great class by the way). I thought by doing all this my once love of watercolor painting would be reawakened. So for all intents and purposes, I have been creating more art, but it has evolved as I now do more acrylic painting and more ink drawings.

I have fallen in love with doing Zentangles and find they are relaxing and freeing. To some people they may just be doodles on paper but each symbol or piece has steps to complete. Really so much fun to try all the different patterns.
There are a ton of books out there if you want to check them out but I did find this site that has a lot of patterns and how to draw them which would be a great starting point.

I hope everyone is having a great start to their week. Remember keep your day full of creative things.

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